Thursday, August 13, 2015


We have been given a few books - the photographs were lovely, but I didn't like the written content or the illustrations.  So this gave me the perfect excuse to cut the book up!

I started to make these small posters, then ran out of time, so my daughter finished it for me, and then one of the little boys helped me pin them up on the board we have in the bathroom.  Very nice!

People are reading, or not reading, and looking, or not looking - depending on who they are and what mood they are in.  I am not going to spoil lovely pictures by making people have a "reading lesson".


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this. After seeing it, my daughter and I were emboldened to cut up a book. It felt rather sacrilegious, but she needed a platform to hold her laptop on when she wasn't using it at her desk. I suggested taping together the two covers of a hardback book, so she found one for next to nothing at an Op Shop. It had beautiful pictures of animals in it, interspersed with evolutionary ideas, so she cut out a number of pictures that caught her eye and posted them in the toilet. Now the little boys have something to entertain themselves with in there!
